This short tutorial will help you create a basic gear in OpenSCAD. The gear will need two cylinders to create the gear and a 3 sided polygon to create the teeth.
The concepts you can learn about in this Tutorial
- cylinder()
- circle()
- linear_extrude()
- difference()
- for loop
- translate()
We will actually start with the 2d items. It will be easier to create a triangular tooth using a 2d circle with 3 sides. The radius of the circle will be half of the “Whole Depth” of the gear. If we draw a line perpendicular to the “Root Diameter” to the “Pitch Diameter”, this will be equal to the radius we use.
Press f6 to see the 2d rendered version

Next we nee to give our gear tooth some meat. We will use linear_extrude() to add 3 Dimensions
linear_extrude(2) circle(3,$fn=3);

Then we will offset the circle using the translate, this will set the single gear to to it’s final diameter. When we rotate in OpenSCAD it is around the main Z-Axis. In order to rotate around our diameter we set tooth the diameter distance from the Z-Axis.
translate([18,0]) linear_extrude(2) circle(3,$fn=3);

Next we will repeat this cylinder around the Z axis.We will use the for loop to add the desired number of gear teeth and rotate() to position the tooth around the axis.
for(i=[1:1:20]){ rotate([0,0,(360/20)*i]) translate([18,0]) linear_extrude(2) circle(3,$fn=3); }
Each time through the for loop, a triangle is added at Z angle. The Z angle is calculated by dividing 360 by the number of teeth, then multiply the resulting angle by the tooth we are on.

Next we can add a cylinder that will define the Root Diameter. This is a cylinder that extends all the way to the edges of the Gear Teeth.
Finally we will add a second cylinder that will remove the center with difference()
Press F6 to get the finished render.
difference() { cylinder(h=2,r=17); cylinder(h=2,r=3,$fn=25); }

Here is the final code for our super basic gear.
difference() {
translate([18,0]) linear_extrude(2)
This works fine enough for basic gears that are large enough.. But for smaller gears, I find using the triangles to cut-out/difference the teeth from the cylinder, works better than adding them on.
module Gear(){
rotate([0,0,(360/20)*i]) translate([-9,0,-.01]) cylinder(h=5.02,r=2,$fn=3);