
  • Arrays of Objects

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Arrays of Objects

    OpenSCAD does not have a built in Array command but we can easily create an array with a for loop, or even create an array module, and have our own…

  • The Easiest Project Box ! – Use ALL THE THINGS!

    Thumbnail for the post titled: The Easiest Project Box ! – Use ALL THE THINGS!

    Use OpenSCAD powerful hull() command and the simple offset() to create the easiest project box ever. Easy rounded corners. No complicated subtractions. Although concept wise, this may not be “easy”,…

  • Cylindrical Text the Easy Way

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Cylindrical Text the Easy Way

    Whereas I love math, I do not excel in the knowledge of said math or patience. So like many of us lesser skilled math enthusiasts I tend to look for…

  • text() – text command tutorial

    Thumbnail for the post titled: text() – text command tutorial

    As of OpenSCAD 2019 text has gotten a lot easier to add in OpenSCAD. Basic text can be added with just the bare Command: text( “Basic Text” ); This command…

  • Basic Flat Tooth Gear

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Basic Flat Tooth Gear

    This short tutorial will help you create a basic gear in OpenSCAD. The gear will need two cylinders to create the gear and a 3 sided polygon to create the…

  • OpenSCAD – Create a pipe.

    Thumbnail for the post titled: OpenSCAD – Create a pipe.

    This simple Tutorial will walk you through the process of making a cylindrical pipe. In this Tutorial you will only need two commands: cylinder(); difference(); Bebgin by creating a new…

  • An OpenSCAD Tutorial

    cylinder(); First to make it a little easier on the eyes type in this command: $fn=25 This will result in all the cylinders you draw to have 25 “faces”. Cylinders…

  • Your First OpenSCAD Object

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Your First OpenSCAD Object

    OpenSCAD is a scripted 3d Design Tool. When you first Open the editor you will not see anything and it can be a bit daunting to know where to start.…


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