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  • BlocksCAD

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    BlocksCAD is an Open Source, Web based CAD programming tool. It’s underlying syntax is based on OpenSCAD. You can find details about BlocksCAD at thier website: Try out the…

  • echo

    The echo command writes information to the OpenSCAD console panel. This information can be values and variables used within the script. The output is useful in debugging an understanding script…

  • linear_extrude()

    Thumbnail for the post titled: linear_extrude()

    Linear extrude uses a 2d shape and extrudes it along a single axis to create a 3d shape. Let.s create a basic extrusion. Create a 2d square , use square(10);…

  • rotate_extrude()

    Thumbnail for the post titled: rotate_extrude()

    The rotate_extrude() command operates on 2d shapes by extruding them around the Z-axis. To create a rotated extrusion in another axis apply a transformation after the rotate_extrude operation. To create…

  • $t – Animation Step

    The Animation Step variable reflects the value in the Animation dialog. It can be used in place of any value to create an animation. To use the Animation Step variable…

  • let() – Set a variable

    Re-Assign the value of a variable for the contained scope.

  • if() – Conditional Flow Control Tutorial

    Thumbnail for the post titled: if() – Conditional Flow Control Tutorial

    The if() command allows the script to direct “execution” of various parts of the script based on the condition. It is really very basic, if your condition is True the…

  • $fn – System Variable

    Thumbnail for the post titled: $fn – System Variable

    This variable is used to set the number of fragments to draw an arc. The CSG ( Constructive Solid Geometry ) used by OpenSCAD, draw circular and spherical objects using…

  • union()

    Thumbnail for the post titled: union()

    Combine all children into a single shape. It is primarily for grouping the shapes for subsequent transformations and operations. The union() operator does not change the final rendering of shapes,…

  • circle();

    Thumbnail for the post titled: circle();

    The circle command adds a circle using the 2D System. The basic command can be used without any parameters to create a circle() that is represented by a 5 sided…

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