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  • Model Library – OpenSCAD Model Library

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Model Library – OpenSCAD Model Library

    Description from github OpenSCAD library with basic shapes and extrusions to create modular composite 3D objects github clone link:

  • MCAD – An OpenSCAD Library

    Description from github This library contains components commonly used in designing and mocking up mechanical designs. It is currently unfinished and you can expect some API changes, however many things…

  • BOLTS – an OpenSCAD Library

    Thumbnail for the post titled: BOLTS – an OpenSCAD Library

    Description from github A OpenSCAD library that allows for simple creation of nuts and bolts and respective nut catches and screw holes

  • NopSCADlib

    Thumbnail for the post titled: NopSCADlib

    Description from github Library of parts modelled in OpenSCAD and a framework for making projects An ever expanding library of parts modelled in OpenSCAD useful for 3D printers and enclosures…

  • BOSL

    Thumbnail for the post titled: BOSL

    Description as per gihub The Belfry OpenScad Library – A library of tools, shapes, and helpers to make OpenScad easier to use. This library is a set of useful tools,…

  • Dimensioned Drawings

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Dimensioned Drawings

    Authors Description This program represents a first pass at enabling dimensioned drawings. While by no means complete, useful work can be performed with the modules included here. Website: Git Hub…

  • Render Panel ( Window )

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Render Panel ( Window )

    The Render Panel shows your model based on the selected view mode. View modes: Preview (F5,F9) – A roughly rendered view of the model Surfaces – Shows only Faces of…

  • Console Panel

    The Console Panel is located at the bottom right of the Screen. The Console Panel displays messages regarding the current action. Errors are listed by line number when encountered

  • Editor Panel

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Editor Panel

    The editor Panel is a basic text entry pane with some code help and syntax highlighting. Some of the features: Bracket and Parenthesis matching. The editor will highlight the matching…

  • An OpenSCAD Tutorial

    cylinder(); First to make it a little easier on the eyes type in this command: $fn=25 This will result in all the cylinders you draw to have 25 “faces”. Cylinders…

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