Recent Posts

  • mirror()

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    The mirror() command is a transformation. This means the mirror command acts on an object ( child ). To start we will add a cube. cube(); Above the cube add…

  • Highlight – Hashtag ( # )

    Renders the children as Transparent Red

  • rotate()

    Thumbnail for the post titled: rotate()

    The rotate modifier will rotate the children of the modifier. It will rotate all the children around the Z-Axis at the origin. Start by adding a cube. cube() render the…

  • difference()

    Thumbnail for the post titled: difference()

    The difference() modifier will subtract the children of the object, from the first item in the modifier brackets. Let’s start by subtracting a sphere from a cube. First add a…

  • cylinder()

    Thumbnail for the post titled: cylinder()

    The Cylinder() primitive command will add a cylinder or tapered cylinder to your model. In it’s basic form like the cube() and sphere(), the cylinder() command does not need any…

  • sphere()

    Thumbnail for the post titled: sphere()

    The Sphere() primitive command will add a sphere to your model. Start out by add a sphere a single unit in radius. sphere(); You will see a very un-sphere looking…

  • cube()

    Thumbnail for the post titled: cube()

    The Cube() primitive command will add a 6 sided figure with parallel sides. In it’s basic form the cube(); command does not need any parameters. You can create a cube…

  • for loop – OpenSCAD for loop Tutorial

    Thumbnail for the post titled: for loop – OpenSCAD for loop Tutorial

    Program Control in OpenSCAD The first thing to know about OpenSCAD is that it is not an “iterative” language. When OpenSCAD “loops” though the for statement it basically creates an…

  • Your First OpenSCAD Object

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Your First OpenSCAD Object

    OpenSCAD is a scripted 3d Design Tool. When you first Open the editor you will not see anything and it can be a bit daunting to know where to start.…

  • Move Along

    I hope for this site to become a useful addendum to the Official site. However, for now, and the foreseeable future it is quite useless, a mere curiosity. It…

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